Soft Skills

Soft Skills | Study World College of Engineering

Soft Skills Really Matter


Are Soft Skills Important to Engineers?


Individuals who are extremely intelligent but lack the ability to communicate well on team assignments, limit themselves towards all the growth opportunities on their hands.


Though technical skills are important, every employer on market look for candidates with more elusive soft skills. Even with an abundance of jobs, this new success factor is decisive in making the engineering human resources market more competitive. So, if engineers can master both technical and soft skills, employers will consider them as far more valuable team members and job candidates.


Soft Skills Promote Career Success:


Employees who can bridge their communication styles with all kinds of colleagues are valuable to employers. Differences in language and culture will invariably collide, but an employee who can’t adapt won’t be able to collaborate well. A Civil Engineer might, indeed, find himself or herself working with a team thousands of miles away on any given project.


Engineers who can navigate the pitfalls of these situations will be extremely valuable to employers. To a large extent, employers already know that you’ll have the technical skills. For them, the questions will be “Does a prospective engineer have the ability to collaborate and bring team members together?” “Is he/she able to bring creative thinking to the table that will drive future innovation?”


What can an Engineer do to Stand out and Succeed?

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We are having a ‘New Programme Structure’ to enhance our students and make them employable. New Program Structure is being introduced for 2016-2017 intakes that includes Foundation, Core Engineering Subjects and Skill Development courses. We are committed towards upholding high standards of Education and International Exposure widens the opportunity for students to learn and experience a different cultural and business environment.


Discover a world of possibilities with Study World College Of Engineering to fulfill your burning desire.

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